NLCB Contact Information
There are some detail about the contact information (addresses and telephone numbers) of the NLCB Offices in Trinidad and Tobago:
The NLCB Office in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago:
- #119-121 Duke Street, Port of Spain.
- Telephone number: 623-1831
- Fax number: 627-8038
The NLCB Office in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago:
- #73, Mucurapo St., San Fernando.
- Telephone number; 653-7802/3
The NLCB Office in Sangster’s Hill, Trinidad and Tobago:
- TIDCO Mall Sangster’s Hill, Tobago.
- Telephone number: 639-3866
Note: Contact on these number and get the more information about NLCB lottery and buy the NLCB lottery tickets.